Graduate Student Committee
The Graduate Student Committee strives to give greater agency to graduate students through a committee that reflects diversity in race, gender, geographic distribution, public/private institutions, and MA/PhD membership. We seek to grow graduate membership and create a strong graduate community, bringing together students in all related fields of Byzantine Studies. Additionally, we aim to increase graduate attendance at the BSC through a guaranteed session and the presentation of annual committee reports at the BSC member’s meeting.
To serve until 2026:
Conference officer: Ethan Schmidt, Simon Fraser University
Secretary: Quentin Clark, Florida State University
Secretary: Sarah Mathiesen, Florida State University
Engagement Opportunities Officer: Zoe Appleby, Case Western Reserve University
Engagement Opportunities Officer: Ryan Abramowitz, University of Michigan
To serve until 2025:
Chair: Sofia Pitouli, University of California, Los Angeles
Conference officer: Luke Hester, Case Western Reserve University
Communications officer: Catherine Volmensky, University of British Columbia
The committee may be contacted at
Call for Nominations for the Graduate Student Committee (2023-2025)
The elections committee of the Byzantine Studies Association of North America Graduate Student Committee invites nominations (including self-nominations) to the committee for terms beginning in January 2024.
As per our by-laws, the elections committee, formed by the four outgoing members, seeks nominees who represent diversity in race, gender, geographic distribution, public/private institutions, and MA/PhD membership within the field of Byzantine studies. If elected, new members will join the remaining members to form a board and serve until the 2025 BSC meeting.
Committee members seek to grow graduate membership and create a strong graduate community, bringing together students in all related fields of Byzantine Studies. Additionally, we aim to increase graduate attendance at the BSC through a guaranteed session and the presentation of annual committee reports at the BSC member’s meeting.
Please send your nominations (or any questions you may have) to the elections committee at by December 30th, 2023. Please include the nominee’s name, rank, institution, and discipline; and please confirm that the nominee has agreed to serve if elected.
Elections Committee of the Graduate Student Committee