Stay connected with BSANA by joining our listserv and following us on social media. Please send all Byzantine-related announcements to the BSANA Communications Officer.
To receive news and announcements from BSANA, sign up to the BSANA listserv hosted by Google Groups!
There are two ways to sign up:
- Visit the BSANA listserv page on Google Groups and click “Ask to join group”, then follow the instructions on the screen.
- Send an e-mail to the BSANA Communications Officer, requesting to join the group.
Note: in order to receive messages from the listserv in your inbox once you subscribe, you may need to adjust your email program’s settings to make sure that messages sent from and are not sent to your spam folder.
Social Media
Follow BSANA (@bsanabsc) on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The BSANA listserv exists to inform the Byzantine studies community of academic news and opportunities in the field. Such bulletins include the announcement of calls for papers, job listings, fellowships, exhibitions of Byzantine art, colloquia and symposia, obituaries of prominent Byzantinists, and other matters of academic interest. The listserv is expressly not intended for the dissemination of advertisements of a commercial nature, even if they relate to the field. The Communications Officer will have discretion in determining what is appropriate material for the listserv.
[Resolved by the BSANA Governing Board, Thursday, November 6, 2014]
The BSANA Facebook Page is similarly intended to inform the community of scholarly news and opportunities, including those, such as the announcement of newly published books, that might be considered as having a commercial aspect. Friends of the BSANA Facebook Page may also post there, although the Governing Board and its representatives reserve the right to remove posts that are irrelevant or disruptive.
[Resolved by the BSANA Governing Board, Thursday, November 6, 2014]