Byzantine Studies Conference Archives
Twenty-Eighth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Minutes for Meeting of the BSC Governing Board
Thursday, 3 October 2002
Present: Sharon Gerstel (President), Patrick Viscuso, Rebecca Corrie (Treasurer), Michael Gaddis, Ellen Schwartz (Vice President), John Cotsonis, John Barker, Marios Philippides, Paul Halsall, Michael Maas, John Duffy, Caroline Connors, Eric Ivison, Emily Albu (Program Committee Chair, ex officio), and Glenn Peers (secretary).
Regrets: Maria Georgopoulou, Noel Lenski
S. Gerstel called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m.
- Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.
- Minutes of the Previous Governing Board (10 November 2001): On a motion by G. Peers, seconded by P. Viscuso, the minutes were approved.
- Report on the Plans of the Twenty-Ninth BSC, Bates College, 17-19 October 2(X)3: R. Corrie, co-chair of the Local Arrangements Committee, reported on the progress being made on exhibitions to be held during the BSC. She advised everyone to fly into Portland when traveling to Bates.
- Report on the Location of the Thirtieth BSC: G. Peers reported on the proposal by Gary Vikan, Director of the Walters Art Museum, that the Walters host the 2004 conference in conjunction with Johns Hopkins University. The issue of the location of the 2005 conference was raised, however, and the Governing Board was advised to seek out possible hosts.
- Discussion of Sending Out Separate Dues Announcements: R. Corrie reported that dues had increased because the call for dues went out separately from the call-for-papers announcement. J. Barker made a motion that the Board would like the dues reminder to be mailed separately from the call for papers in the future. Seconded by M. Maas, the motion carried unanimously.
- Discussion of Access to Mailing List and Policy on Distribution of Announcements to Membership: The question had been raised of the use of the members' mailing list for distribution of electronic announcements, but the Board agreed that announcements could be sent out, but only through the Secretary, and that any member might request their email address be withheld from the BSC database.
- Discussion of Attendance of Governing Board Members: The Board discussed the policy of attendance, and it decided that P. Viscuso would prepare a policy statement to clarify expectations for future Members. Because of concern expressed in the past over care for children of those attending the BSC, E. Schwartz urged planning committees to be aware of the need in the future for child-care services.
- Program Committee Report: E Albu reported that the blind reading of abstracts had been considered a success since it had been initiated five years ago by Claudia Rapp. The Board agreed this policy should continue for the foreseeable future.
- Teaching Committee: E. Schwartz reported that after the resignation of Susan Madigan she would assume the role as Chair. Discussion focussed on the means of initiating such a program of outreach to High Schools and on the appropriateness of the BSC undertaking such an initiative. The Board agrees that such outreach should be the responsibility of the Local Arrangement Committees.
- 1204 Committee: E. Ivison reported that the Committee had received little response, and he made the suggestion that other initiatives be explored.
- Discussion of the Proposed Guidelines for Nominations for the Governing Board and for Officers: M. Maas reported that after consultation with fellow Committee members, E. Ivison and S. Gerstel a decision had been made to increase level of consultation among the Board for nominations. In the future, the Nominating Committee would solicit names from all Board members, and it would then present a slate to the membership. Any members would be able to add names to the slate within the terms laid down by the Constitution.
- Other Business: C. Connors duly made a motion that the Board recommend that Local Arrangement Committees include interested public in the BSC. The motion was seconded by E. Schwartz and passed unanimously.
M. Maas suggested that the BSC plan different sessions in the future, such as seminars, round tables and the inclusion of discussants.
10. Date and Place of Next Meeting: After the final session, Saturday afternoon.
11. Adjournment: On a motion duly made by P. Viscuso, seconded by G. Peers, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Glenn Peers, Secretary
Minutes for Meeting of the BSC Governing Board
Saturday, 5 October 2002
Ohio State University
Present: Patrick Viscuso, Rebecca Come, Michael Gaddis, Ellen Schwartz, John Cotsonis, John Barker, Marios Philippides, Paul Halsall, John Duffy, Tia Kolbabe, Asen Kirin and Glenn Peers.
Regrets: Charles Barber, Carolyn Connor, Maria Georgopoulou and Robert Nelson. E. Schwartz called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
- Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.
- New Members: The new members of the Governing Board were welcomed.
- Election of Officers: The nominees were tabled as a slate: Patrick Viscuso (President), Paul Halsall (Vice President), John Cotsoms (Treasurer), Glenn Peers (Secretary), Tia Kolbaba (Program Committee Chair). The slate was elected unanimously, and the chair was turned over to P. Viscuso.
- Past President: P. Viscuso expressed warm thanks to the outgoing President, Sharon Gerstel, for all her fine work.
- Program Committee: Discussion was held on the composition of the Committee for the 2003 BSC. The Board agreed that members of the Program Committee had to be able to able to attend the symposium at Dumbarton Oaks in the spring. On a motion duly made by J. Duffy, and seconded by E. Schwartz, the Board gave the Program Committee Chair discretionary power to form her Committee.
- Nominating Committee: On a motion duly made by M. Gaddis, seconded by E. Schwartz, the Board appointed P. Viscuso as Chair of the Nominating Committee, which will comprise M. Georgopoulou, R. Come and J. Cotsonis.
- DO-BSC Liaison Committee: On a motion duly made by P. Halsall, seconded by M. Gaddis, the Board appointed P. Viscuso and P. Halsall, with S. Gerstel ex officio to the Committee.
- Other business:
- P. Viscuso announced that S. Gerstel will send out the final letter of thanks and wrap up the last business of this BSC.
- As the system governing the awarding of the Graduate Student's Prize was deemed to be working well, it will remain in place.
- Discussion over finding sources of funding for exhibitions) at Bates College in 2003 took place, with some encouragement offered for finding representatives for the book exhibit, as well.
- P. Viscuso raised the possibility of including professional development workshops, such as publishing, job market and translations, as part of the BSC program. Discussion focused on the nature of the workshops, and the Board decided to offer a workshop on the job market comprising M. Gaddis, E. Schwartz and R. Come, with the possible participation of T. Miller.
- The warm gratitude of the Board was expressed for the work of P. Halsall on the fine BSC web-site.
- The Secretary was requested to send out a message stating the Governing Board will meet on the opening Thursday evening of the BSC. T. Kolbaba moved, M. Philippides seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that that initial meeting should be a supper meeting with the BSC covering costs.
- E. Schwartz raised the issue of graduate student stipend and suggested that at the next meeting the stipend be raised to $150. On a motion duly made by J. Duffy, seconded by J. Barker, this motion passed unanimously.
- Adjournment: On a motion duly made by P. Viscuso, seconded by J. Duffy, the meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m.
Glenn Peers Secretary