Byzantine Studies Conference Archives

Byzantine Studies Conference Program - 2002

Twenty-Eighth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference
October 4-6, 2002
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio


8:00 pm Reception


8:30-9:00am: Welcome

9:00-10:45am: Session One: Cities and Spaces

Chair: Timothy Gregory (The Ohio State University)

Kim Bowes (Yale University)
The Amphitheater as Site of Christian Memory: Excavations in the Amphitheater of Durres (Dyrrachium)

Laura Hebert (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU)
Middle Byzantine Aphrodisias

Kathleen M. Quinn (University of Cincinnati)
Life and Death in Late Byzantine Troy

9:00-10:45am: Session Two: Liturgy, Theology, and Spirituality

Chair:Georgia Frank (Colgate University)

Gerasimos P. Pagoulatos (Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece)
The Liturgy of the Bridal Chamber: An Introduction to the Problem of its Origins

Caroline Downing (SUNY Potsdam)
Augustine and the Decline in Baptistery Construction: The Evidence of Archaeology and Text

John D. Beetham (Catholic University of America)
Spiritual Relationships among Monks during the Middle Byzantine Period

Oleh Kindiy (Catholic University of America)
Overview of theological ideas in George Pachymeres' Paraphrasis (PG Vol. 4, Col. 608-609) of ps.-Dionysios Areopagite's On Divine Names (DN 587B1-588A2)

11:00 am-12:15pm: Session Three: Archaeology I

Chair: Sheila McNally (University of Minnesota)

Darlene L. Brooks Hedstrom (Wittenberg University)
Ceramic Evidence from the Monastic Settlement of John the Little, Wadi Natrun, Egypt

Scott Redford (Georgetown University)
Chemical Analysis of Port Saint Symeon Ceramics

Peter Lampinen (Combined Caesarea Expeditions)
A Hoard of Byzantine Pentanummi

11:00 am-12:15pm: Session Four: Interpretation of Texts

Chair:Sarolta Takacs (Rutgers University)

Scott Johnson (Keble College, Oxford)
Cult and Competition: Textual Appropriation in the Fifth-Century Life and Miracles of Thekla

John Duffy (Harvard University)
Recovering a Byzantine Author: Sophronius of Alexandria

Paul Stephenson (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
The Sarcophagus of Basil II (d. 1025)?

12:15 pm- 2:00pm: Lunch

2:00 pm- 3:30pm: Session Five: Women and Byzantium

Chair: Alice-Mary Talbot (Dumbarton Oaks)

Ian Mladjov (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
The Case of Iusta Grata Honoria and Imperial Women in Late Antiquity

Anthony Kaldellis (The Ohio State University)
The Literary Structure of Prokopios' Secret History: A New Explanation

Patrick Viscuso (Independent Scholar)
Theodore Balsamon's Canonical Images of Women

2:00 pm-3:30 pm: Session Six: Architecture and Decoration

Chair: Ioli Kalavrezou (Harvard University)

Karen C. Britt (Indiana University)
Faces of Stone: Donor Portraits in the Mosaic Floor Pavements of Early Byzantine Palestine

Heather E. Grossman (University of Pennsylvania)
A New Group of Middle Byzantine Architectural Sculpture from Panakton (Boeotia, Greece)

Jelena Trkulja (Princeton University)
The Use of Relief Sculpture on Late Byzantine Church Fa?ades

3:30 pm-4:00pm: Coffee

4:00 pm-5:30pm: Session Seven: Manuscript Studies

Chair: Nancy Ševčenko (U.S. National Byzantine Committee)

David H. Wright (University of California, Berkeley)
Putting Vergil on Display after 476

Christine Havice (University of Kentucky)
Iconography and the Question of a Model for the Madrid Skylitzes

Elena N. Boeck (Yale University): Un-Orthodox Imagery in the Madrid Skylitzes

4:00-5:30pm: Session Eight: Gifts and Diplomacy

Chair: Sarah Bassett (Wayne State University)

Lynn Jones (Independent Scholar)
Questionable Gifts: Constantine VIII and the Relics of the True Cross

Rebecca W. Corrie (Bates College)
Constantinople, Siena, and the Polesden Lacey Triptych: An Angevin Commission for a Crusader Empress

Cecily J. Hilsdale (University of Chicago)
Bride, Book, and Visuality


8:30-10:15am: Session Nine: Byzantine Identities I

Chair: Elizabeth Bolman (Temple University)

Alicia Walker (Harvard University): Unpacking the Darmstadt Casket

Ludovico Geymonat. (Princeton University)
Byzantinizing the Baptistery: From the Holy Land to Parma

Glenn Peers (University of Texas at Austin)
Orthodox Magic: An Amulet Roll in New York and Chicago

8:30-10:15am: Session Ten: In Search of Edessas

Chair: Michael Maas (Rice University)

Steven K. Ross (Louisiana State University)
Edessa on the Front Lines: Rome's Client State in the Third Century

Paul Kimball (State University of New York at Buffalo)
The Edessene Background to Chrysostom's Homilies at Drypia: Ephraim's Carm. Nisb. and the XLII/Second Translation of Mar Thomas

Frederick Lauritzen (Columbia University)
Leo the Deacon's Military and Religious Digression on Edessa

9:00 am-10:00am: Session Eleven: History of Byzantine Scholarship

Chair:John Barker (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

David Olster (University of Kentucky)
Byzantinism and Nazism in 1930s and 1940s German Scholarship

Linda Jones Hall (St. Mary's College of Maryland)
Clyde Pharr and the Women of Vanderbilt
The Translation of the Theodosian Code in Mid-Twentieth Century

10:30 am-12:15pm: Session Twelve: Literature and Performance

Chair:George Majeska (University of Maryland)

Nicholas Giannoukakis (Independent Scholar)
Identity in Rhythmic Meter between Ancient Greek Poetry and Byzantine Hymnology

Derek Krueger (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
Liturgical Performance and the Formation of Christian Identity in the Age of Justinian

Bissera V. Pentcheva. (Columbia University)
Picturing the Process of Writing: The Virgin as the Muse of Poetic Inspiration

Przemyslaw Marciniak (University of Silesia)
A Few Remarks on the Definition of Byzantine Theatre

10:30 am-12:15pm: Session Thirteen: Amorium Excavations

Chair: Christopher Lightfoot (Amorium Excavations Project; The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Eric A. Ivison (College of Staten Island, CUNY/ Amorium Excavations Project)
The Byzantine Stone-Mason at Work: New Evidence from the Lower City Church at Amorium

Johanna Witte-Orr (Amorium Excavations Project)
The Mural Decoration of the Lower City Church at Amorium

Yalin Mergen (Dokuz EylŸl †niversitesi, Izmir/ Amorium Excavations Project)
The Lower City Enclosure Wall at Amorium and What Lies Beyond

12:15 pm-2:15pm: Business Lunch

Reports on upcoming exhibitions: "Byzantine Women and their World" (Ioli Kalavrezou, Harvard University); "Byzantium: Faith and Power" (Helen Evans, Metropolitan Museum of Art); "The Golden Age of Russian Icons: Novgorod the Great" (Griffith Mann, Walters Art Museum)

2:15 pm-3:45pm: Session Fourteen: Archaeology II

Chair:Robert Ousterhout (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Suna ‚agaptay-Arikan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
The Church at Choma: A Revisiting of the Development of the Regional Style

R. Scott Moore (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
Drought and Decline: The Effects of Climate on Byzantine Cyprus

2:15 pm-3:45pm: Session Fifteen: Mimesis

Chair:Paul Halsall (University of North Florida)

Andrew Walker White (University of Maryland, College Park) and Cornelia B. Horn (University of St. Thomas)
On the Imitation of Christ, for Cheap Laughs: The Syriac "Tale of the Mimes" and the Theater in Byzantium

Dean Sakel (Bogazi?i University, Istanbul)
Mimesis Yet Again in the View of the Past: A Case Involving the Use of Glykas

2:15 pm-3:45pm: Session Sixteen: Teaching Roundtable

Chair:Robert Allison (Bates College)

Ellen C. Schwartz (Eastern Michigan University)
De Diversis Artibus: Teaching Byzantium Through Hands-On Art Assignments

Emily Albu (University of California, Davis)
Teaching Late Antiquity: One Model for Outreach to the Public Schools

Discussion: Please bring your own materials to share.

3:45 pm-4:00pm: Coffee

4:00 pm-5:45pm: Session Seventeen: Late Antiquity I

Chair: Claudia Rapp (UCLA)

D. Scott Van Horn (Loyola University, Chicago)
Communiceps Noster: Romanianus, St. Augustine, and Late Roman Patronage

Robert J. Penella (Fordham University)
Himerius's Constantinopolitan Oration of A.D. 362: Context, Audience, and Content

William R. Caraher (The Ohio State University)
Sacred Space and Authority in the Churches of Early Christian Greece

Catherine Burris (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Magic and the Byzantine Viewer: Seeing Magical Acts and Objects in the Late Ancient and Early Byzantine World

4:00 pm-5:45pm: Session Eighteen: The Secular World I

Chair: Sharon Gerstel (University of Maryland)

Katherine Panagakos (The Ohio State University)
Novels in the Bibliotheca: What Photius Left Out

Diliana Angelova (Harvard University)
The Middle Byzantine Ivory Box of Veroli in the Context of Literary Ideas about Romantic Love

Jennifer L. Ball (Colgate University)
Representations of the Dress of Non-Elites in Byzantium

7:00 pm Banquet


8:30 am-10:15am: Session Nineteen: The Secular World II

Chair: Asen Kirin (University of Georgia)

Maria G. Parani (Dumbarton Oaks)
Picking at an Old Question: The Use of Cutlery at the Byzantine Table

Nikolas Bakirtzis (Princeton University)
Aesthetics of Byzantine Fortifications: The Case of Thessaloniki

Charles M. Brand (Emeritus, Bryn Mawr College)
Slavery in the Will of Eustathius of Thessalonica

8:30 am-10:15am: Session Twenty: Byzantine Identities II

Chair: Tia Kolbaba (Princeton University)

Naomi Janowitz (University of California, Davis)
Strategies of Jewish Identity in Late Antiquity

Roly Zylbersztein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Polemics against the Jews during the Ninth Century

Ioanna Rapti (Coll?ge de France, Paris)
Prophetic Iconography in Cilician Armenia

Elizabeth A. Fisher (George Washington University)
Ethnic Identity and Literary Latin in Constantinople, 1261-1305

10:30 am-12:15pm: Session Twenty-One: Late Byzantine History

Chair: Walter Kaegi (University of Chicago)

Mark C. Bartusis (Northern State University)
The Equivalence of the Fiscal Terms Pronoia and Oikonomia

Dusan Korac (The Catholic University of America)
Hail, Tsar! Hail, Autokrator! Shifting Political Loyalty in Fourteenth-Century Edessa

Marios Philippides (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
A "New" Eyewitness Source and the Prosopography of the Defenders in the Siege of Constantinople (1453)

Walter K. Hanak (Shepherd College)
One Source, Two Renditions: "The Tale of Constantinople" and Its Fall in 1453

10:30 am-12:15pm: Session Twenty-Two: Late Antiquity II

Chair:Michael Gaddis (Syracuse University)

Daniel Sarefield (The Ohio State University)
Into the Flames: Destruction by Fire in Late Antiquity

Stephanie L. Smith (Youngstown State University)
Feasting at the Grave: Funerary Commemoration and the Catacombs of Rome

Ralph W. Mathisen (University of South Carolina)
The Contemporary Entries in the Theodosian Code: AD 429-437

F.M. Clover (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Procopius of Caesarea, Theophanes Confessor, and the Beginnings of Vandal Kingship

To correct items in the 2002 Program, contact Emily Albu:

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