Byzantine Studies Conference Archives
Officers and Committees 2001
- President: Eric Ivison (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
- Vice-President: Sharon E.J. Gerstel (University of Maryland)
- Secretary: Kathleen Maxwell (Santa Clara University)
- Treasurer: Rebecca Corrie (Bates College)
Governing Board:
To serve until the 2004 Conference:
- Michael Gaddis
- Paul Halsall
- Marios Philippides
- Ellen C. Schwartz
To serve until the 2003 Conference:
- Rebecca Corrie
- John Cotsonis
- Maria Georgopoulou
- Patrick Viscuso
To serve until the 2002 Conference:
- Jane Baun
- Sharon Gerstel
- Eric Ivison
- Michael Maas
To serve until the 2001 Conference:
- Hugh Elton
- Derek Krueger
- Kathleen Maxwell
- Claudia Rapp
Dumbarton Oaks Liaison Committee:
- Michael Maas, Chair
- Eric Ivison
- Leonora Neville
Program Committte
- Robert Allison, Chair
- Susan Madigan
- Carolyn Snively
- Patrick Viscuso
Local Arrangements Committee:
- Charles Barber, Chair
- David Jenkins