Byzantine Studies Conference Archives
Twenty-Seventh Annual Byzantine Studies Conference
Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana
Business Lunch Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2001
- Eric Ivison, President of the BSC, called the meeting to order at 12:50 pm.
- Eric Ivison requested all to stand for a moment of silence in honor of those who have died in the last year. The deceased include: Thalia Gouma-Peterson Virgil Chrysofulli and Sir Steven Runeiman
- The minutes from the Business Lunch of the 2000 BSC were approved
- Governing Board Elections:
The following were elected to the BSC Governing Board to serve until 2005:
John W. Barker
Carolyn Connor
John Duffy
Glenn F Peers
- Noel Lenski was elected to fill in until 2002 for Jane Baun who is stepping down for personal reasons
- Treasurer's Report by Rebecca Come (given in absentia by Eric Ivison and Bob Allison)
The Treasurer's Report was approved. It was noted that a one-time expense of scanning and editing the BSC abstracts cost $2793.18.These abstracts will be posted on the new website.
- BSC/Dumbarton Oaks Liaison Committee Minutes.
Several errors in the minutes were noted by Alice-Mary Talbol. The title of the upcoming Dumbarton Oaks Symposium in April 2002 is: Realities in the Art of the Mediterranean World 800-1500. Also, DOP 53 is a separate publication from the Crusades Symposium.
- Graduate Student Prize Winner for 2000:
Ellen Schwartz, Chair of the Graduate Student Prize Committee, announced that Maureen Reissner-O'Brien of The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill was the winner of the 2000 BSC graduate Student Prize. Her paper was entitled: The Gynaeceum, The Kindergarten, and the Vienna Genesis: Biblical and Extra-Biblical Imagery in Folio 16r
- Revised Guidelines fur the Ciraduatc Student Prize:
The Graduate Student Prize Guidelines were revised by Patrick Viscuso. They were posted on the BSC program website and will be posted on the new Byzantine website as well
- New BSC website:
The new URL domain name is A committee of four (Bob Allison, Paul Halsall, Ralph Mathisen, and Patrick Vlscuso) is in charge of consolidating the old BSC website and the temporary program website in this new location.
- 2002 BSC
The next BSC will be held at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 3-6, 2002. Timothy Gregory is Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee. Information will be posted on the new website. Given the early date of next year's conference, registration materials will be sent out earlier than usual. It will also he possible to register for the conference on-line.
- Update from Dumbarton Oaks by Alice-Mary Talbot
The new library has been delayed because of a change in architect. Groundbreaking may not take place for another year. The opening was originally scheduled for May 2004 but that will be delayed. There will be a period of disruption in library access during the actual move to the new library. This will he followed by the renovation of the Main Building, during which it may be necessary to close the museums temporarily. It is hoped that the fellowship program won't be too impacted. More information will be provided at the next BSC .
Alice Mary also asked that those teaching undergraduates to please publicize the Bliss Prize Fellowship for Graduate Study. This fellowship includes two years of graduate school funding plus a summer of travel. A full of year of Greek is necessary before the application can be submitted.
Alice Mary also announced the upcoming July program of Numismatics and Sigillography at D. O. See the D.O. website for further information:
New publications are now almost routinely placed on-line The website also feature the 1999 coin exhibit comprising an introduction to the field of Byzantine coins. Also the hagiography bibliography is also online and quite user friendly.
As far as Dumbarton Oaks Papers is concerned, submissions tend to be disappointing in terms of both numbers and quality. Alice Mary said that art historians should be aware that DOP has an enviable record of accommodating illustrations. making DOP an especially attractive venue.
- XXc Congrés International des Études Byzantines August 2001
Annemarie Weyl Carr read a report submitted by Nancy Ševčenko on the Congrés. This will be posted on the BSC website. Suggestions are being solicited for the next Congrés to be held in London August 21-26, 2006!.
- The Glory of Byzantium 3" Metropolitan Museum of Art, will take place in New York in Spring 2004
- The University of Pittsburgh announces the founding of the American Society for Byzantine Music and Hymnology, a new forum for the scientific and scholarly study of Byzantine Music and Hymnology. Please contact Dr. Nicholas Giannoukakis at for more information.
- "Early Christion Book" an international conference to be held at Catholic University of America will be held on June 6-9, 2002. There is still room for short papers. Details can be found on the following website
- Annemarie Weyl Carr urged participation in sessions at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo and in CAA sessions on "Secular Art, of Byzantium" and "Art and Ethnography in Ancient and Medieval Worlds" in 2003.
- The American Society of Architectural Historians is open to Byzantine sessions to their meetings as well according to Carol Krinsky, NYU. She suggests that they would be especially open to presentations on Byzantine buildings found in major survey texts.
- John Barker (ed.) announced the publication of vol. XXVII of Byzantinische Forschungen entitled: Pioneers in Byzantine Studies in the United States 2001. For more information see willem@dial.eunet.cs
The meeting was adjourned at 1:56 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Kathleen Maxwell