Byzantine Studies Conference Archives


Twenty-Fifth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference
November 4-7, 1999
University of Maryland-College Park
College Park, Maryland

THURSDAY, November 4

6:00-9:00 pm Registration and Reception/Cash Bar
Best Western Motel, College Park

FRIDAY, November 5

8:00-8:45 Registration and Continental Breakfast (Atrium)
8:45-9:00 Welcome

9:00-10:45: Session 1 Plenary Session:

Chair: Kathleen Corrigan (Dartmouth College)

Thomas F. Mathews (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU): Panel Paintings of Late Antiquity: A Preliminary Report on the Project

C. S. Lightfoot (Metropolitan Museum of Art): Excavations at Amorium 1988-1998

Margaret Mullett (Queen's University, Belfast): Twenty-five Years of Byzantine Literature: the Case of the Letter-collection of Theophylact of Ochrid

10:45-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:15: Session 2: Pioneers of Byzantine Studies in America V

Chair: John Barker (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Nina Garsoian (Columbia University), Sirarpie der Nersessian in America

Igor Robert Blake (University of California): In Search of Byzantium: The Life of Robert Pierpont Blake

William L. MacDonald (Washington, D.C.): Thomas Whittemore, 1871-1950

Session 3: Death, Demons, and Deviants

Chair: Henry Maguire (University of Illinois)

Eric A. Ivison (College of Staten Island, CUNY): A "Profit . . . Extraordinarily Accursed": Grave-robbing in Medieval Byzantium

Patrick Viscuso (Chantilly, Va.): Vampires, Not Mothers: The Living Dead in the Canonical Responses of Ioasaph of Ephesos

Jacquelyn Tuerk (University of Chicago): Magic, Words and Images: an Early Byzantine Amulet and its Semiotics

12:15-2:00 Lunch Break

2:00-4:00 pm: Session 4: In Honor of Seka Allen

Chair: John J. A. Fine, Jr. (University of Michigan)

Slobodan Ćurčić (Princeton University): Byzantine or Romanesque? The Question of Style in Medieval Ecclesiastical Architecture of Serbia

Ruth E. Kolarik (Colorado College): Questions of Intent and Interpretation in Sixth-Century Balkan Floor Mosaics

Dusan Korac (University of Maryland): All the Emperor's Men: Political Loyalty and Economic Power in Fourteenth-Century Byzantine Macedonia

Eunice Dauterman Maguire (Krannert Art Museum, Univ. of Illinois): Tame Cheetahs and Woven Luxury in the Early Byzantine Period

Ljubica D. Popovich (Vanderbilt University): A Contribution Toward Identifying Some of the Figures in the Five Domes of the Virgin Ljeviska in Prizren

Session 5: Ecclesiastical Politics

Chair: Michael Maas (Rice University)

Stephen Bartlett (St. Louis University): The Sacrificial Lamb: The Importance of the Byzantine Eucharistic Rite in the Azyma Controversy

Patrick Gray (York University): Misrepresenting an Ecumenical Council: The Short Latin Version of the Acts of Constantinople II

Michael Gaddis (Syracuse University): High Crimes and Misdemeanors: Impeaching the Late Antique Bishop

Tia M. Kolbaba (Princeton University): Who Made Michael Keroularios a Hero (or Villain) in the History of the Schism between Rome and Constantinople?

Adam Schor (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor): Genuine Heretics, Genuine Heroes: The Origenist Controversy and the Historiography of Rufinus of Aquileia

Session 6: Iconography

Chair: Genevra Kornbluth (University of Maryland)

Warren T. Woodfin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Things Terrible to Speak of and to Behold: An Ekphrasis of the Studios Apse Mosaic and its Significance

Alfred Buchler (Berkeley, Calif.): The Triumph of Orthodoxy,the Christological Dispute of 1160-1166, and the Titulus of the Cross in Byzantium

Bissera V. Pentcheva (Harvard University): A New Image of the Virgin in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Constantinople

Alison S. Locke (Yale University): Monte Sant'Angelo or Mont-Saint- Michel? The Bronze Doors of Pantaleon and the Problem of Site-Specificity

Erica Cruikshank Dodd (University of Victoria): From Jerusalem to Arles: The Syrian Connection

4:00-4:15 pm Coffee Break

4:15-6:00 pm: Session 7: Architecture

Chair: Cecil Striker (University of Pennsylvania)

Robert Ousterhout (Univ. of Illinois): Recovering the Pantokrator

Carolyn S. Snively (Gettysburg College): Recent Investigations in the Rotunda Church at Konjuh

Vasileios Marinis (Univ. of Illinois): St. Nicholas in-the-Fields and the Question of Imitation in Byzantine Architecture

Christina Maranci (Massachusetts College of Art): A Reconsideration of Methodology in the Study of Armenian Architecture

Session 8: Reading Byzantine Literature

Chair: Sarolta Takacs (Harvard University)

Derek Krueger (Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro): The Hagiographical Logos: Theology and Literary Composition in the Early Christian East

Federica Ciccolella De Luigi (Columbia University): John of Gaza's Anacreontic Poetry: Genres and Audience

Maria Mavroudi (Berkeley, California): Arabic-Greek Herbal Glossaries and the Appearance of Arabic Medical Terms in Greek Manuscripts

Elizabeth A. Fisher (Georgetown University): Planoudes, Ovid, and the Byzantine Audience for Latin Literature

6:15 pm Play of the Three Children, a Byzantine Liturgical Drama (Atrium)

7:00-9:00 pm Reception/Cash Bar (Rossborough Inn)

SATURDAY, November 6

8:00-9:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast (Atrium)

9:00-11:00 am: Session 9: Church Treasuries: Session in Honor of Margaret Frazer

Chair: Susan Boyd (Dumbarton Oaks)

Helen C. Evans (Metropolitan Museum of Art): Margaret Frazer's Acquisitions for the Metropolitan Museum

David Buckton (British Museum and Courtauld Institute): The Enamels of the Pala d'Oro

John Osborne (University of Victoria): The Portrait of Doge Ordelaffo Falier on the Pala d'Oro

Holger A. Klein (University of Bonn and Walters Art Gallery): Lost Treasures: Three Closely Related Byzantine Reliquaries of the True Cross

Vera von Falkenhausen (Universita di Roma - Tor Vergata): Treasure Inventories from Greek Monasteries in Southern Italy and Sicily (10th to 12th Century)

Nancy P. Ševčenko (Philadelphia, Pa.): Icons out of the Mainstream: Some Peculiar Icon Types Listed in Byzantine Inventories

Session 10: Late Antiquity

R. Scott Moore (Ohio State University): The Current State of Byzantine Archaeology on Cyprus

Irfan Shahid (Georgetown University): The Reservoirs of Sergiopolis

Jodi Magness (Tufts University): The Decline of Syria-Palestine in the Mid-Sixth Century: A Reconsideration of the Archaeological Evidence from Dehes

Hugh Elton (Florida International University): The Economy of Southern Anatolia in Early Byzantine History

Charles Pazdernik (Emory University): A Dangerous Liberty and a Servitude Free from Care: The Case of Victorinus

Frank M. Clover (University of Wisconsin, Madison): The House of Aelia Verina

11:00-11:15 am Coffee Break

11:15 am-1:00 pm: Session 11: Crusader Greece and Cyprus

Chair: Sharon Gerstel (University of Maryland)

Glenn Peers (University of Texas at Austin): On the Vita Icon
of St. George in Athens

Monika Hirschbichler (University of Maryland): The Legend of Alexander the Great in the Morea: Two Paintings from the Gatehouse of Akronauplia, Greece

Lynn M. Snyder (Smithsonian Institution): Frankish Meals in Greece: The Identification and Recognition of an Invader's Cuisine

John Rosser (Boston College): Saranda Kolones Castle in Paphos, Cyprus

Session 12: Byzantine Ritual

Chair: George Majeska (University of Maryland)

Beatrice Caseau (College de France/Paris IV Sorbonne): Emperors and Incense: Towards a Reinterpretation of Imperial Rituals in the Churches

Bernadette McNary-Zak (Rhodes College): Reassesing the Ritual for the Remission in the Pachomian Movement

Liliana Simeonova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia): Emperor Leo the Wise: a Reformer of Byzantine Ceremonial

James C. Skedros (Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology): Ritual and the Panegyris: A Byzantine Institution Revisited

Session 13: The Medieval Balkans

Chair: Ellen Schwartz (Eastern Michigan University)

Cyril Pavlikianov (University of Sofia "Saint Clement of Ochrid"): Eusebios: a Descendant of a Serbian Sebastokrator and Athonite Monk

Svetlana Popovic (Greenbelt, Md.): The Monastery Settlement Revealed: The Case of Mileseva

Srdjan Djuric (University of Toronto): The Painter Manuel Panselinos: Towards a Reconstruction of the Opus (ca. 1295-1312)

George Stricevic (University of Cincinnati): Chronology of Gracanica Frescoes

1:00-2:45 pm Business Lunch

2:45-4:30 pm: Session 14: Viewing the Object

Chair: Maria Georgopoulou (Yale University)

Anthony Cutler (Pennsylvania State University): Out of the Mauss Trap: Byzantine Gifts and Gift Exchange in the Light of Arab Sources

Leslie Brubaker (University of Birmingham, England): Iconoclasm and the Trier Ivory

John Hanson (Indiana University of Pennsylvania): The New York Deesis Casket and Middle Byzantine Gospel Frontispieces

Lynn Jones (Philadelphia, Pa.): Byzantine Identity and Relics of the True Cross

David H. Wright (University of California, Berkeley): The Menil Paten

Session 15: Byzantium's Borders

Chair: David Olster (University of Kentucky)

Ralph W. Mathisen (University of South Carolina): Sigisvult the Patrician, Maximinus the Arian, and "Impossible Missions" ca. 425-440

Laura Reynolds Fry (University of South Carolina): The Code of Euric: Origin, Transmission, and Implications

Walter E. Kaegi (University of Chicago): The Experiences of Heraclius in Africa

Pamela G. Sayre (Henry Ford Community College): Odenathus of Palmyra, Theodoric, and the Ghassanid Phylarchs: Late Roman Client-Kings?

Ian Mladjov (University of Michigan): A New Look at Byzantium's Northwestern Neighbors in the Tenth Century (Bulgaria, the Magyars, and the Greeks in Byzantine and Hungarian Sources)

Session 16: Early Byzantine Spirituality

Chair: Sidney Griffith (Catholic University of America)

Monica J. Blanchard (Catholic University of America): The Syriac Discourses of Bhisho' Kamulaya (floruit 8th c.) On the Monastic Way of Life

Jennifer L. Hevelone-Harper (Gordon College): The Education of a Holy Man: The Spiritual Development of John of Gaza

William North (Carleton College): Rethinking a Rigorist: Eulogius of Alexandria's On Economy in its Sixth-Century Context

Witold Witakowski (Uppsala University): The Eschatological Program of the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius

4:30-4:45 Coffee Break

4:45-6:30: Session 17: Byzantine Women

Chair: Alice-Mary Talbot (Dumbarton Oaks)

Ruma Niyogi (University of Chicago): The Exotic Among the Other: Writing Women in Byzantine Studies

M. P. Vinson (Bloomington, Indiana): Sexual Slander in Byzantium

Eustratios Papaioannou (University of Vienna/Dumbarton Oaks): Images of Women in Michael Psellos's Literary Work

Session 18: Egyptian Monasticism

Chair: Georgia Frank (Colgate University)

Kirsti Copeland (Princeton University): The Date of the Apocalypse of Paul: State of the Field and Beyond

Darlene Brooks-Hedstrom (Miami University): Monastic Practice and the Solitude of the Cell in Christian Egypt

Nicola Aravecchia (University of Minnesota): The Architecture of Kellia: A comparative study on the use of space

Elizabeth S. Bolman (Temple University): The Discovery of Early Byzantine Paintings in The Monastery of St. Antony at the Red Sea (Egypt)

7:00-8:00 pm Cocktail Reception/Cash Bar (Best Western Motel)

8:00 pm Banquet (Best Western Motel)

SUNDAY, November 7

9:00-10:45 am: Session 19: The Classical Tradition

Chair: John Duffy (Harvard University)

Denis F. Sullivan (University of Maryland, College Park): John Doxopatres' on Hermogenes' Peri Staseon: an 11th-Century
Approach to the Pedagogy of Rhetoric

Richard A. Layton (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Biblical Scholarship and Greek Paideia: Philosophical Education and Cultural Competition in Late-Antique Alexandria

Alain Touwaide (Madrid/Dumbarton Oaks): The Tradition of Classical Medicine in Byzantium: Towards a Reconsideration

Katerina Ierodiakonou (National Technical University of Athens): The Anti-Logical Movement in Byzantium

Marios Philippides (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst): History Repeats Itself: Constantinople 1453 and the Sack of Troy

Session 20: Medieval Georgia

Chair: Kathleen Maxwell (Santa Clara University)

Ketevan Mikeladze (Chubinashvili Inst. of Georgian Art History, Tbilisi): The Murals of King Davit Narin Chapel at Gelati Monastery

Elena Boeck (Yale University): Projecting Mixed Messages: Marketing Monarchs in Medieval Georgia

Irine Nikoleishvili (Tbilisi State Univ.) and Irakli Iakobashvili (Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts): Relief from the St. George Church of Mokvi: "Excommunication" of the Clergyman

Cornelia B. Horn (Catholic University of America): Befriending the Christian Romans or the Impious Persians? The Via Petri Iberi on Byzantine-Georgian Relations in the Fifth Century AD

10:45-11:00 am Coffee Break

11:00 am-1:00 pm: Session 21: Manuscript Illumination

Chair: Susan Madigan (Michigan State University)

Georgi Parpulov (University of Chicago): Texts and Miniatures from Codex Dionysiou 65

Mary-Lyon Dolezal (University of Oregon): Lectionary Dissonance: The Palaiologina Group, Again

Ferdinanda Florence (University of Maryland): The Sacrifice of Isaac in Armenian Illumination and Ritual Sacrifice in Medieval Armenia

Rima E. Smine (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU): The Byzantine Iconographic Sources of Syriac Lectionaries: Vatican Syr. 559 and London British Library Add. 7170

Session 22: Archaeology and Material Culture

Chair: Marcus Rautman (University of Missouri)

Franz Alto Bauer (Deutsches Archeologisches Institut, Rome): The Constantinian Episcopal Basilica in Ostia: A Preliminary Report of the Excavation

Timothy E. Gregory (The Ohio State University): Archaeology and Slavic Settlement in the Byzantine Peloponnesos

John Cotsonis (Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology): Saints and Cult Centers: The Evidence of the Seals

Peter Lampinen (Combined Caesarea Expeditions): Metallurgical Analysis of Coins of Constantine XI: The Last Coinage Issue of Constantinople

Questions regarding local arrangements may be directed to
George Majeska, Local Arrangements Chair,
(301) 405-4307;
Sharon Gerstel, Co-Chair,
(301) 405-0032;

Additional queries regarding the Web Site of the Byzantine Studies
Conference can be forwarded to:
Ralph W. Mathisen
Dept. of History
Univ. of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

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