Byzantine Studies Conference Archives

Twentieth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference November 9-12, 1994 The University Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan



A. Byzantine Manuscripts

Mary-Lyon Dolezal (Dumbarton Oaks/University of Oregon) Jeffrey C. Anderson (George Washington University): "Marginality in the Illustration of Byzantine Psalters"

Nadezhda Kavrus (Columbia University): "The Scriptorium of the Studios Monastery in the XIth Century: A Puzzle Explored"

Demetrios Katsarelias (New York University): "The Liturgical Use of the Mount Athos, Esphigmenou 14 Codex"

Nicolette S. Trahoulia (Dumbarton Oaks/Harvard University): "The Venice Alexander Romance, Hellenic Institute Cod. Gr. 5"

B. Magic and Religion

John Duffy (University of Maryland)

Naomi Janowitz (University of California-Davis): "The Jewish Hi- eratic Arts: Neglected Rituals of Late Antique Judaism"

Kevin H. Crow (University of Kentucky): "Magic and the Elite of the Late Antique Empire"

Jennifer Lee Hevelone (Princeton University): "S. Colluthus and Coptic Christian Syncretism of Greco-Roman Healing Cults"

Smiljka Gabelic (University of Illinois): "Archangelos Xorinos: The Exiler"

C. Townsites and Texts

Chairs: Thelma K. Thomas (University of Michigan) and Traianos Gagos (University of Michigan)

Jennifer A. Sheridan (St. Joseph's University): "Town Cites in Texts: Beyond Provenance"

Terry Wilfong (University of Michigan): "The Streets of Jeme -- Textual Evidence and Urban Archaeology in a Byzantine Egyp- tian Townsite"

Peter Van Minnen (Duke University): "Deserted Villages: Two Late Antique Townsites in Egypt"

Christopher Haas (Villanova University): "Urban Politics in Fifth-Century Alexandria and the Chalcedonian Crisis"


A. Gender and Hagiography

Alice-Mary Talbot (Dumbarton Oaks) Gregory Dobrov (University of Michigan): "Voicing the Virgin: Dialogic Invention of the Theotokos in the Sixth-Century Kontakion"

Claudia Rapp (UCLA): "Models of Female Sainthood: Byzantine Nuns and their Edifying Manuscripts"

B. Christian Concepts

Tony Cutler (Pennsylvania State University) Ellen Emerick (University of Kentucky): "Cyprian and Christ's Seamless Robe"

Steven Bigham (Center for Greek Studies, Montreal): "Eusebius of Caesarea and Christian Images" Monica J. Blanchard (Catholic University): "Coptic Remnuoth and Sarabaites"

C. Byzantium and Islam

Irfan Shahid (Georgetown University)

Daniel J. Sahas (University of Waterloo): "Byzantium and the By- zantines in the Life of the Prophet (Muhammad b. Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah)"

Matthew Herbst (University of Michigan): "Theodosios the Deacon's Capture of Crete as Polemic against Islam"

Maria Mavroudi (Dumbarton Oaks): "The Byzantine Oneirocriticon of Achmet and the Islamic Science of Dream Interpretation"

BUSINESS LUNCH: 12:15-2:00


A. Architecture and Decoration

Robert Ousterhout (University of Illinois)

George Stricevic (University of Cincinnati): "Opaion in Byzantine Churches -- An Iconographic Essay"

Mark J. Johnson (Brigham Young University): "The Oratory of the Holy Cross at the Lateran"

Iakovos Potamianos (University of Michigan): "Anthemius' Design of an Elliptical Mirror and the Dome of Hagia Sophia"

Susan Boyd (Dumbarton Oaks): "Production Centers for Champleve Marble Revetments"

Svetlana Popovic (Princeton University): "Koinovion Trapeza"

B. Dark Age Greece

Marcus Rautman (University of Missouri)

Brian Rutishauser (Ohio State University): "Economic Conditions in the Aegean, A.D. 300-700"

Timothy E. Gregory (Ohio State University): "Land Use, Taxes, and Consumption in Early Byzantine Greece"

Joseph L. Rife (University of Michigan): "Towards an Archaeology of Historical Ethnography for the Corinthia, A.D. 585-805"

P. Nick Kardulias (Kenyon College): "Assessing Acculturation in the Byzantine Dark Age (DA): An Archaeological Approach"

John Rosser (Boston College): "Spileo: A Fortified Settlement from Greece's Early Middle Ages"

C. Comnenian Culture

Annamarie Weyl Carr (Southern Methodist University)

Barbara Hill (Queen's University, Belfast): "The Second Sex in Komnenian Courts"

Charles M. Brand (Bryn Mawr College): "Slave Women in the Legis- lation of Alexius I"

Thalia Gouma-Peterson (College of Wooster): "Engendered Category or Recognizable Life: Anna Comnena and her Alexiad"

Sarolta A. Takacs (Harvard University): "Oracles, Pebbles, and Science -- Anna Comnena's Comments on Astrology"



Susan Ashbrook Harvey (Brown University)



A. Church Programs

Henry Maguire (Dumbarton Oaks)

John Osborne (University of Victoria): "The North Wing of the Narthex of S. Marco in Venice: Some Observations on its Decoration and Function"

Lesley Jessop (University of Victoria): "San Marco at Venice: The Cycles of Saint Mark in the North Choir Chapel and the Cap- pella Zen"

Ljubica D. Popovich (Vanderbilt University): "Pairing of the Prophets and their Quotations: A Constantinopolitan Tradi- tion and its Dissemination"

Linda Safran (Catholic University): "The Genesis Frieze at Trebizond"

B. Medieval Greece

Sharon Gerstel (University of Maryland)

Joseph D. Alchermes (University of Minnesota): "Settlement and Citadel in Frankish Morea"

Frederick A. Schultz (Ohio State University): "Economy and Socie- ty in the Frankish Corinthia"

Sally McKee (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh): "Evidence of Greek Women's Economic Activities under Venetian Rule"

C. History and Texts

George Majeska (University of Maryland)

Danuta Gorecki (University of Illinois): "Controversy about Pre- scription (Statute of Limitations) in Macedonian Novels: Policies and Politics"

Leonora A. Neville (Princeton University): "Gregory Pakourianos and Byzantine Internal Expansion"

Kenneth Snipes (Manhattan College): "The Letters of Theophylact of Ohrid as Source for the Events of the First Crusade"

Liliana Simeonova (SUNY-Albany): "Use of Foul Language and the Medieval Bon Ton: Some Examples from the History of Byzanti- no-Bulgarian Relations"


A. Byzantine Art and the West: A Re-examination

Maria Georgopoulou (Yale University)

Rebecca W. Corrie (Bates College): "Vienna Cod. 93 and the Use of Byzantine Art in Southern Italy"

Anne Derbes (Hood College): "Documenting the Maniera Greca"

Robert S. Nelson (University of Chicago): "Byzantine Art and the West: Models or Artists?"

B. [Vacant Session]

C. Church Controversies

David Evans (St. John's University)

Anthony Kaldellis (University of Michigan): "Did Julian Try to Create a "Pagan Church"?"

Josephine Shaya (University of Michigan): "The Church Recast: The Struggle between Arians and Nicenes for the Churches of Con- stantinople"

Victoria Erhart (Dumbarton Oaks/Catholic University): "Central- ized Authority in the Syriac Diophysite Church?: Catholicos Isho-yahb III (644-658) vs. Bishop Simeon of Rev Ardashir"

Carl Lardiero (Lanham, Md.): "Oikonomia in the Religious and Po- litical Controversies of the Eighth and Ninth Centuries"



A. Christian Iconography I

Alice Christ (University of Kentucky)

David H. Wright (Oakland, Cal.): "The Implications of the Qued- linburg Itala Fragments"

Charlotte Houghton (Duke University): "According to the Flesh: King David and Christ in Early Christian Art"

Sarah Diebel (Rutgers University): "Putting Theodora in her Place: The Imperial Presence at S. Vitale in Ravenna"

B. Papyrology

Raymond Van Dam (University of Michigan)

James G. Keenan (Loyola University, Chicago): "The Aphrodito Mur- der Mystery: A Return to the Scene of the Crimes"

Dickran Kouymjian (California State University-Fresno): "A Unique American Paprus and its Paleography"

Boudewijn Sirks (University of Amsterdam): "A Byzantine Protocol Book"

C. Religious Life

Hagith S. Sivan (University of Kansas)

Susan Ashbrook Harvey (Brown University): "Sanctity and Stench: When Holy Fragrance Turns Foul"

G.L.C. Frank (University of South Africa): "Christian Attitudes towards Male Impurity in the Early Byzantine Period"

Ronald Weber (University of Texas-El Paso): "Hysteria and Conver- sion in Late Antiquity"


A. Christian Iconography II

Nancy Ševčenko (Cambridge, Mass.)

Alfred Buchler (Berkeley, Cal.): "Drums in Byzantium and the Ico- nography of Psalm 136/137"

Katrin Kogman-Appel (Hebrew University, Jerusalem): "The Sephar- dic Haggadot and Byzantine Art"

John Cotsonis (Dumbarton Oaks): "The Significance of loca sancta Pilgrimage in Light of Sphragistic Iconography"

Jaroslav Folda (University of North Carolina): "Loca Sancta et Profana and Crusader Representional Arts"

B. Byzantine Spain

Ralph W. Mathisen (University of South Carolina)

Luis A. Garcia Moreno (University of Alcala de Henares, Spain): "The Creation of Byzantium's Spanish Province"

Margarita Vallejo Girves (University of Alcala de Henares, Spain): "The Treaties between Justinian and Athanagild and the Legality of Byzantium's Peninsular Holding"

Francisco Salvador Ventura (University of Granada): "The Spanish Byzantine Frontier: Civitates and Castra"

Leonard A. Curchin (University of Waterloo): "Weddings, Widows, and Wealth: The Role of Elite Women in Late Roman and Byzan- tine Spain"

Elisaveta Todorova (Northern Kentucky University): "Catalans and Spaniards in Constantinople and Beyond"

C. Making Byzantine History

George Dennis (Catholic University)

Patrick T. R. Gray (Atkinson College): "Revision of Law as Recon- struction of History: The New History of Christianity Im- plied by the Codex Justinianus"

F.M. Clover (University of Wisconsin): "Malchus of Philadelphia on the Destiny of the Roman Empire"

Joel Walker (Princeton University): "Mission Narrative and Clas- sical Ethnography in the Ecclesiastical History of Philos- torgius"

Nicola Denzey (Princeton University): "The View of the Past in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu: Civic Historiography in Sev- enth-Century Egypt"



A. Cultural Colonialism

Annabel Wharton (Duke University)

Ellen C. Schwartz (Eastern Michigan University): "A Bronze Censer from the Malcove Collection: East Meets West in the Small Portable Object"

William Melczer (Syracuse University): "The Iconological Program of the Door of Monte Sant'Angelo and Byzantine Encomia of the Archangel Michael"

Olenka Z. Pevny (New York University): "Faithfully Byzantine, Unmistakably Kievan: The Church of St. Cyril in the Context of Middle Byzantine Architecture"

Isolde Thyret (Colorado College): "Byzantine Imperial Iconography in a Muscovite Context: The Katapetasma of 1556"


B. Iconoclasm

Kathleen Corrigan (Dartmouth College)

James R. Payton, Jr. (Redeemer College): "The Significance of Matter in the Iconoclastic Controversy"

Denis F. Sullivan (University of Maryland): "Exotic Technology and Politics in the Vitae of Ioannikios"

Glenn Peers (Johns Hopkins University): "Angelic Epiphany and Artistic Imagination"

Charles Barber (University of Illinois): "An Ironic Icon: Theo- dore Graptos"

C. Early Byzantine History

David Olster (University of Kentucky)

Jacqueline Long (University of Texas): "The Angry Emperor within Julian's Misopogon"

Hugh Elton (Trinity College): "Fravitta and Barbarian Career Op- portunities in Constantinople"

Peter Heather (University College, London): "Ravenna and Constantinople c. 493-527"

Walter E. Kaegi (University of Chicago): "The Crisis of 641 Once More"


A. Archaeology

Susan Stevens (Randolph Macon Women's College)

Christine Kondoleon (Williams College): "Report on the Research and Excavations of Dermech I, Carthage"

Lea Stirling (University of Manitoba) and Nejib Ben Lazres (Institut National du Patrimonie): "Industry and Urban

Change in Early Byzantine North Africa: New Evidence from Leptiminus (Lamta), Tunisia"

Lucinda Neuru (University of Waterloo): "The Peristyle of the Roman Villa at Sidi Ghrib"

C.S. Lightfoot (Bilkent University, Ankara): "Recent Excavations at Amorium"

Carol Meyer (University of Chicago): "Bir Umm Fawakhir: A Byzan- tine Gold-Mining Town in Egypt"

B. Classical Survival in Byzantium

Marios Philippides

Raffaella Cribiore (Columbia University): "Learning How to Write in Byzantine Schools"

J.G. Farrow (Wayne State University): "Antioch and Antehomerica: A Locally Revised Account of the Trojan War's Origins"

Charles Pazdernik (Princeton University): "Procopius and Thucy- dides on the Meaning of Words"

Stelios Vasilakis (New York University): "Plethon's De Differen- tiis: Interpretation or Manipulation"

Elizabeth A. Fisher (George Washington University): "Michael Psellos and the Literary Survival of Romulus"

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