Byzantine Studies Conference Archives
Officers and Committees (As printed in 1992 Abstracts)
1992-1993 Officers
- President: Nancy Sevčenko
- Vice-President: Timothy Miller
- Secretary-Treasurer: John Nesbitt
Governing Board
To serve until the 1995 Conference:
- Timothy Miller
- John Nesbitt
- Lucille Roussin
- Nancy Sevčenko
To serve until the 1994 Conference:
- Jeffrey C. Anderson
- Christine Kondoleon
- Jacqueline Long
- David Olster
- Marios Philippides
To serve until the 1993 Conference:
- Andrew Dyck
- Susan Ashbrook Harvey
- Eunice Dauterman Maguire
- Frank Trombley
To serve until the 1992 Conference:
- Leslie Brubaker
- John Duffy
- Gary Vikan
Program Committee:
- Joseph Alchermies
- Charles Brand
- Kathleen Corrigan
- Jacqueline Long
- Alice-Mary Talbot
Local Arrangements:
- Tom Conley
- Maggie Duncan-Flowers
- Danuta Gorecki
- Eric Hostetter
- Eunice Dauterman Maguire, co-chair
- Henry Maguire
- Robert Ousterhout, co-chair