Byzantine Studies Conference Archives
OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES (As printed in 1987 Abstracts)
Officers 1987
- President, Robert Nelson
- Vice President, Ellen Schwartz
- Secretary-Treasurer, Christine Havice
Governing Board:
To serve until the 1990 Conference
- Christine Havice
- George Majeska
- John Scarborough
- Warren Treadgold
To serve until the 1989 Conference:
(Nominating Committee)
- Elizabeth Clark
- George Dennis
- Thalia Gouma-Peterson
- Robert Ousterhout
To serve until the 1988 Conference:
- Steven Bowman
- Sheila Campbell
- Ellen Schwartz
- William Tronzo
To serve until the 1987 Conference:
- Emily Hanawalt
- James Morganstern
- Robert Nelson
- John Rosser
The BSC Liaison Committee:
- John Barker, Chair
- John Duffy
- Thalia Gouma-Peterson
- Thomas Mathews
- Robert Nelson, ex-officio
Program Committee for 1987 Conference:
- Warren Treadgold, Chair
- John Duffy
- Thalia Gouma-Peterson
- Ruth Kolarik
- George Majeska
Local Arrangements Committee for 1987 Conference:
- Monica Fullerton
- Timothy E. Gregory, Co-Chair
- Joseph Lynch
- Predrag Matejic